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Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Bad B!tch: Renaissance Jones ft. Mz-AM

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She's Backkk...

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Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Real Ish #4 - Where You Been, You Ask?

It was four years ago                                                                
I was spiraling nobody said shit
Drowning in feelings
That didn't make sense
Imagine being happy
At the highest point of your life
Then boom
Out of nowhere your life changes
Anything positive became negative
Anything negative remain negative
Yet devilish behavior portrayed as support
Was surrounding me daily
As if they were my halo

Friday, October 18, 2024

You can't Break ME! #4

I'm not here to tell you what to do
However, I recommend the truth
Never run from anything
As a lesson is in the experience
The blessing will be the reward
Take the bad with the good
Yet remain positive
My heart has been broken in every way possible
As if when God created me
He deemed me and spoke

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Real Ish #3 - Trip to Death - True Story

We live in a world whereas a quick trip to the store                                
Could potentially conclude an innocent unwarranted death
As I think about the preventions of such intentions
I'm completely baffled by the situation that occurred
Imagine walking into a store
You gather your items for purchase
Patiently waiting in line for the next available cashier
You greet both MALE cashier's
As you're a "regular" at that particular location
You look out the window to see the number of the gas pump to get gas
You continue with your transaction