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Friday, April 22, 2022

Dear Dairy #7 - The Unknown

It’s a weird unsettling feeling                                                                                                    
The RED spot that stands out on a white gown
The headliner not at a concert
The United States Flag without the stars
Streets without the street lights
A mind without a heart
A body without a soul
It’s that thing words can’t explain
A love that never grows old
A superstition that makes sense
A thought manifested instantly
The check in the mail box
That comes unexpectedly
Being late to work
You missed the accident
Thank god for that raise
Although you was okay
With the base pay
It can be a scary path
Every direction has a direction
New curves, twists and turns
New stops, U-turns and tickets
New cities, states and zip-code
New places, people and personalities
New trials & tribulations, problems, truths and realities
New partners, love and relationships
Its’ the new
The new…new
The unknown
It’s a beautiful vision
To see his or her face every morning
Unbelievable sex 
Living life without regrets
Happiness makes you glow daily
Money flows easily
Positivity is the need to be
It’s the anticipation
The willingness to receive
The eagerness to relieve
The exhaustion of time
Moving slowly
The countless days of uncertainty
When it 
Reveal itself
Whatever it may be
Hurry the up
It could be a divine purpose
The voices you here
The whispers you fear
The signs you see
The synchrony
Angel numbers
A spiritual message
A blessing
A saving grace
Have patience
Enjoy the peace
It’s The Unknown
Don’t be afraid 
The Unknown

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